What is Java and how to learn | Its full information in English | what is java in english
Friends, in today’s article, we are going to tell you about the programming language of a computer, without this language you cannot do any work inside the computer and if you do the work of creating a website inside the computer, This language is very important for you, without learning it, you cannot design any website, in today’s article we are going to give you this information, what is Java and also will tell some of its features, which will help you. You might not have known before. Before starting the article, we want to tell you some such information about Java, which will help you to understand the next article, as I have already told that Java is a computer language, just like we know English . Or understand other languages, in the same way a computer has its own language, which is called Java, in today’s article we are going to tell you what Java is and where and how you can use it inside the computer. If you can, then friends, let’s start this article. What is java in Engli